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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Triple Play 2001

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Game Name : Triple Play 2001
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2002-05-11 20:50:49
Views : 13451

Hit a homerun
Note: This code requires the Gravis Gamepad Pro controller. While in the batter's box, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Blue, Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Red, Left, Right. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a thump.

Homerun sounds
While running around the bases after hitting a homerun, press W to hear a soft horn, A to hear a loud horn, or D to hear a whistle.

Strike out the batter
Note: This code requires the Gravis Gamepad Pro controller. While on the pitching mound, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Up, Down, Blue, Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Red. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a thump.

Island stadium
Win ten games in a row in season mode.

Space stadium
Hit a ground rule double in season mode.

Babe Ruth
Hit a homerun with a pitcher in season mode to unlock Babe Ruth as a free agent.

Cy Young
Pitch a complete game shutout in season mode to unlock Cy Young as a free agent.

Eddie Murray
Hit a homerun from both sides of the plate with a switch hitter in one game in season mode to unlock Eddie Murray as a free agent.

Ernie Banks
Get six double plays in one game in season mode to unlock Ernie Banks as a free agent.

Frank Robinson
Leadoff a game with back-to-back homeruns in season mode to unlock Frank Robinson as a free agent.

Hank Aaron
Hit four consecutive homeruns in season mode to unlock Hank Aaron as a free agent.

Harmon Killebrew
Hit three homeruns over 500 feet in season mode to unlock Harmon Killebrew as a free agent.

Jackie Robinson
Steal second and third base with the same player in one game in season mode to unlock Jackie Robinson as a free agent.

Lou Gehrig
Hit a single, double, triple, and homerun in one game in season mode to unlock Lou Gehrig as a free agent.

Mickey Mantle
Hit a homerun over 575 feet in season mode to unlock Mickey Mantle as a free agent.

Mike Schmidt
Hit four homeruns with the same player in one game in season mode to unlock Mike Schmidt as a free agent.

Reggie Jackson
Hit one in-the-park homerun in season mode to unlock Reggie Jackson as a free agent.

Satchel Paige
Throw three consecutive strike outs in season mode to unlock Satchel Paige as a free agent.

Ty Cobb
Steal home base in season mode to unlock Ty Cobb as a free agent.

Willie Mays
Make four diving catches in one game in season mode to unlock Willie Mays as a free agent.

Willie McCovey
Hit three consecutive homeruns in season mode to unlock Willie McCovey as a free agent.

CPU assist
Win a game by ten or more runs in season mode.

Offense power-up
Hit ten homeruns in one game in season mode.

Defense power-up
Get three double plays in one game in season mode.

Speed power-up
Steal two consecutive bases with the same player in season mode.

Invisible players
Hit two triples with the same player in one game in season mode.

Fast players
Steal every base in one game in season mode.

Tall players
Get eight hits in one game in season mode.

Thin players
Hit a homerun with a player that weighs less than 160 pounds.

Large players
Hit a homerun with a player that weighs over 250 pounds.

Big head
Score four runs in one game in season mode.

Huge head
Score eight runs in one game in season mode.

Pulsating head
Score twelve runs in one game in season mode.

Tiny head
Get sixteen hits in one game in season mode.

Pencil head
Strike out six consecutive times when batting in season mode.

Strong arm
Get caught stealing more than twice in one game in season mode.

Big bat
Hit two consecutive homeruns in season mode.

Pulsating bat
Score five runs by the same player in one game in season mode.

Big glove
Make a diving catch in season mode.

Huge glove
Make two diving catches in one game in season mode.

Pulsating glove
Make three diving catches in one game in season mode.

Big baseball
Throw six consecutive strike outs in season mode.

Huge baseball
Throw nine consecutive strike outs in season mode.

Flaming baseball
Throw twelve consecutive strike outs in season mode.

Big League Challenge power boost
Hit ten consecutive homeruns in Big League Challenge mode to get a boost in power, which is noted with a flaming baseball. Hit seven more consecutive homeruns to receive another boost in power, which is noted by a pulsating bat.

Hidden teams
After you have completed a whole season, playoffs, and win the World Series you will play six extra teams (in order): World All-Stars, Puerto Rican All-Stars, Dominican Republic All-Stars, U.S.A. All-Stars, Legendary All-Stars, and the Triple Play 2001 Dream Team (who have big bats and hit homeruns 95% of the time).

Unlock cheats easily
Begin a game in two player mode while using both controllers. Keep hitting homeruns, triples, and more off fastballs by pressing X(2) on controller two when pitching. Note: Make sure that you include ground ruled doubles and inside the park homeruns. Additionally, pitch a shutout or perfect game against player two in a 9-inning game. You can also unlock the codes in single game or exhibition modes.

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